The Joy of Doing Just Enough

The Joy of Doing Just Enough

Jennifer McCartney

Uppläst av: Emily Woo Zeller


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Sit around, leave sh*t all over the place, drink, forget about deadlines...being lazy is pretty easy. But the real art to being chill is when someone without any real ambition can fly under the radar and live unscathed by the never-ending reams of self-help and inspiration rained upon anyone who just wants to watch Netflix. Find that magical place where doing what comes naturally keeps the do-ers at arm's length. Rather than doing less, do just enough. Screw TED Talks, Instagram images of a beach with Fail Better in gold cursive, marathon training, tips for keeping plants alive, and all self-aggrandizing social media. Ninety-nine percent of people on this planet are just pretty average. We're doing our thing. Trying to get out of bed in the morning. Hey, are you awake right now? Reading a sentence? You know what? That's success in my book. Being a person is hard enough without all the pressure of being good at it.