Stopping Addictions

Stopping Addictions

Andrew Richardson

Uppläst av: Andrew Richardson


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Addictions will weaken in their power when you find better ways to get your essential emotional needs met and understand clearly exactly how the brain manufactures and maintains psychological dependencies. In this download you will learn of the common causes of all addictions – be it illegal drugs, gambling or sex and even obsessive behaviours and dependencies. And you will see that there is a path out of the addiction and a return to emotional health and balance. And in this download you will see this path clearly and how to travel along that path and so free yourself. This E Motion audio download is based on the Human Givens approach to emotional healing and mental health – the newest and most radical school of psychology in 40 years. This rapidly expanding approach is UK based and dates just from the mid 1990s. The E Motion audio series can complement your Human Givens therapy but can also be used as part of a stand alone self help programme. Andrew Richardson is a director of the London Human Givens Centre and a qualified Human Givens practitioner