Someone To Love

Someone To Love

Melissa de la Cruz

Uppläst av: Caitlin Kelly


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A powerful issue-driven YA novel tackling eating disorders and the pressures social media puts on contemporary teens from the bestselling author of the Blue Bloods and Disney Descendant’s series. I hate mirrors. Glass is dangerous. Anything that reflects me back at myself is a threat. Liv Blakely knows how important it is to look good. Her father is launching a political career and Liv will be making public appearances. She has an image to uphold–to her maybe-boyfriend, to her new friends, and to the public who love to find fault on social media. No matter who she has to give up to get there. No matter what she has to lose to do it. But as the high price of perfection takes a toll. Can Liv find something else to live for before she goes too far?